The Road Less Travelled

“The joy of the Lord is my strength” [Nehemiah 8:10]

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Prince Charming marries Cruella de Vil, Cinderella's ugly stepsister...

....and they lived less-than-happy ever after.

Why is it so HARD to believe you're loved, you're precious, you MATTER?
Why is it so EASY to believe you're just 1 of the billions of homo sapiens on this planet. You're some cells thrown together, a product of evolution. What's so special about you?

Why is it so HARD to believe you're meant for life. Not just life up there in heaven in an everlasting intimate relationship with God, but life NOW- things can change, you have freedom to enjoy it to the full, as more than conquerors of all the bad things that happen.
Why is it so EASY to believe this is all there is to life. Make the best of it, live fast and die fast. Or suck up all that life throws at you, try to bear it. Life sucks, that's just the way it is. After you die you're going nowhere, poof you just disappear. Or start the cycle all over again

Why is it so HARD to hope, believe and receive?
Why is it so EASY to say that those who do are just trying 2 make themselves feel better, poor suckers..religion is nothing but a man-made construct born out of man's need to fill that hole in them.

Why is it so hard to believe in things good?
Why is it so easy to settle for so much less?

We've been robbed and cheated! Be honest for a moment please, deep down inside what do you really want to believe?

Intelligence doesn't actually give you answers to the real questions of life. What's the meaning of my life? Why am i here for, where am i headed? Or make you more able to deal with the hard stuff in life.
Intelligence just makes you more able to see the problems better and the futility of man ever resolving them. Then you choose cynicism as your god.

Does all that pride really do you any good? Let it go..

"The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full" (Jesus, John 10:10)

"Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven–for she loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little.” (Luke 7:47)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The difficulty lies not in the paucity but the misplacement of Hope & Faith. - inks

6:08 AM  

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