Love and Kindness
"Love is something more stern & splendid than mere kindness".
-C.S Lewis: The problem of pain-
There is kindness in Love, but the two do not neccessarily go together. Mere kindness tolerates anything except suffering in the object, and cares not whether the object becomes good or bad - for example the act of kindness in putting down an animal to avoid further pain.
At the opposite pole, Love demands the perfecting of the beloved:
Love may love the beloved when her beauty is lost- but not because it is lost
Love may forgive all infirmities and love inspite of them- but Love cannot cease to wish their removal.
Love is more sensitive than hatred itself to any blemish in the beloved.
-Love forgives most; but condones least.
Love is pleased with little; but demands all.-
-C.S Lewis: The problem of pain-
There is kindness in Love, but the two do not neccessarily go together. Mere kindness tolerates anything except suffering in the object, and cares not whether the object becomes good or bad - for example the act of kindness in putting down an animal to avoid further pain.
At the opposite pole, Love demands the perfecting of the beloved:
Love may love the beloved when her beauty is lost- but not because it is lost
Love may forgive all infirmities and love inspite of them- but Love cannot cease to wish their removal.
Love is more sensitive than hatred itself to any blemish in the beloved.
-Love forgives most; but condones least.
Love is pleased with little; but demands all.-