The universal migraine,
A bright stain on the vision
Blotting out reason.
[1 Cor 13]
~Love is the triumph of imagination over reason~
I know what Love ISN’T, but know little of what Love IS:
Love isn’t just providing
Or being provided for
Love isn’t just wanting
Or being wanted
Love isn’t just fucking
Or being fucked
Love isn’t just receiving
Or even giving, for that matter
Love isn’t just moments of romance
Or being made to feel like a Prince or Princess for a day
Or having someone around for company
For a season, reason, lifetime
So how do I speak of Love? How do we paint a complete picture?
I know but little of Love- but what I do know:
Love is comfortable – yet awe-inspiring
Love is gentle- yet a warrior who fights passionately
Love redeems; Love builds up; Love ennobles
& perfect love is a Person-and His name is Jesus
That’s it.