Sometimes I can't help but wonder..
What is it about you?
What exactly is it that you do
that has such a curious effect on
You have to but just laugh,
and like a pebble dropped into still water -
creates a ripple effect;
Hardly the random Chaos Theory
or the Butterfly Effect.
More like Newton's Third Law baby-
for every smile of yours
there's an equal and reciprocal one from me.
You have to but just speak,
joke about things that are hardly even funny.
Don't make your calling a comedian darling.
yet fondness,tolerance & indulgence
gets a smile out of me everytime.
You hardly have to do anything!
Anything at all.
Just a msg, an email, a card sends me
Sailing over the moon
like Elton John's Rocketman.
While others who have laboured much more
fail to even come close
to reaching me like you carelessly do.
Even your flaws, Love Warrior
The pain that you try and hide and defeat.
"Human"- beauty in imperfection said yours truly-
perhaps you're not the one who's crazy dear.
a Girl Interrupted? Nope, not you.
See through to you despite your mask
I'll "steal you away" like you say anytime beautiful
All you have to do is ask.
"Good morning Beautiful"; "Hey Gorgeous"- and
thus we'll trip the light fantastic
along the Road Not Taken- but
Sometimes i can't help but wonder
What IS it about you?